Actes du premier colloque international de l'association Verre et Histoire, Paris-La Défense / Versailles, 13-15 octobre 2005

Dr Marco VERITÀ, Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro, Venice (Italy)

Italian window glass chemical composition from the Roman time to the 18th century

Table 4 – Mean chemical composition of the main components of the glasses of the stained windows of Assisi, Perugia, Rome and Florence.
Dating, number of analysed samples (N) and compositional group (G) are also reported

site dating n. samples group   SiO2 Al2O3 Na2O K2O CaO MgO P2O5
    Std. Dev.2,00,71,50,41,30,60,05
    Std. Dev.1,50,70,33,63,11,31,4
Cathedral Perugia168Ca1Mean58,13,91,25,821,33,32,5
    Std. Dev.3,00,50,410,70,20,2
SMPopolo Rome167Ca1Mean57,33,72,75,323,42,92,7
    Std. Dev.1,50,60,91,41,30,20,4
Laurenz. Florence168Ca1Mean57,540,87,2223,62,2
    Std. Dev.1,00,40,40,80,60,20,2
Laurenz. Florence17-183Na4Mean64,31,7125,211,22,20,9
    Std. Dev.3,30,50,51,32,41,00,4