Proceedings of the first International Symposium of the Verre et Histoire Association, Paris-La Défense / Versailles, October 13-15 2005

Department of Archaeology, University of Sheffield (England)

An Outline of the Manufacture of Broad Glass in England, c. 1300-1900.

Map: Wead

Fig. 2: Map of the Weald of south-east England (after Crossley 1994, 65).

Parishes where glass was made
A: Alfold; B: Billingshurst; C: Chiddingfold; E: Ewhurst; H: Hambledon; K: Kirdford; L: Loxwood; Lu: Lurgashall; P: Plaistow; W: Witley; WC: West Chiltington; WG: Wisborough Green