Proceedings of the first International Symposium of the Verre et Histoire Association, Paris-La Défense / Versailles, October 13-15 2005

Dr. Olivier SCHALM, Prof. Dr. Koen JANSSENS,
University of Antwerp, Dept. of Chemistry, Antwerp (Belgium)
Hilde WOUTERS, Instittuut voor het Archeologisch Patrimonium, Asse-Zellik (Belgium)
Danielle CALUWÉ, Free University of Brussels, Dept. Of Archaeology, Brussels (Belgium)

Composition of 12th-18th Century Window Glass in Belgium: Non-Figurative Windows in Secular Buildings and Stained-Glass Windows in Religious Buildings

Common lead patterns for non-figurative windows

Fig. 3: Common lead patterns for non-figurative windows. The patterns in the top row are typical for the 15th century; the patterns in the bottom row are typical for the 16th century.